Manchester 31st May 1817
For the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Sidmouth
I Beg leave to inform your Lordship since I wrote last Tuesday the 27 I have been to the various part of the country where there is any meetings held and I find generally that they begin to suspect each other very much in consiquence of which another general meeting of delegates is to take place in Yorkshire on Sunday next.—tomorrow. for to finally determine on another day of raising in a Mass—before I Left Leeds I found Genl. Byng intended to go to London Early next week which induced me to send his letter to his residence at Boroughbridge and informing him I thought I should be able to give him some information before he went up to London on my return from Lancashire
On my arrival at this place I found the races just over and was informed an attempt was made on the downs to instigate the people to some violence which completely failed and all terminated very quickly—the Boroughreeve and the officers at this place seems that the loss to act respecting of Bamford and Baguley [Bradbury written above] who seems to be very active still in associating with their old companions one of them to wish to give some information to the police and their not throwing upon what grounds he was liberated are rather doubtfull of him
The Boroughreeve Mr. Green tells me there is two others returned which Equally surprized him—the agents in this neighbrood are so active that not the least apprehention of danger is Entertained
they have received letters letters from nottinghamshire saying people are very active and intended to riot on Monday last but had deferred it for the present—those reformers whom I have seen seem Ignorant of what is going on in Yorkshire but have been told that a delegate had been here from nottinghamshire But was now returned—this is the same man of the name of Bacon that was at the wakefield meeting of delegates—I am to see you this Evening when I Expect to receive some further information but they are very cautious and doubtfull of each other and they suspect Bamford very much of being in communication with police since his return home
according to your Lordship desire I have Inclosed Mr. Fowlkes publication—Should your Lordship be pleased to send any communication by the return of Post it will find me at Leeds—P. Office on my return there I shall be able to inform your Lordship the particular resulting from the meeting of tomorrow. and any thing Else that might incurr in the mean time and I remain
Your Lordship
very Obedient
faithfull servant
WJ Richards
This letter can be found at HO 40/10.
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